span style="letter-spacing:normal">span style="text-transform:none">span style="widows:auto">span style="caret-color:#212121">There was always a new wish around the corner. In his youth, Fletcher got a firm " />
May 26, 2023

No one ever accused Fletcher Huskey, the late rancher, aviator and Texas horseman, of easy-chair life. 

Article By: Hal Lundgren


No one ever accused Fletcher Huskey, the late rancher, aviator and Texas horseman, of easy-chair life. 


     There was always a new wish around the corner. In his youth, Fletcher got a firm "No" after telling his mother he wanted to fly. So he secretly bought a crop-duster and learned to fly it, seat-of-the-pants, without  telling mom. 


     That kind of spunk runs in the Huskey bloodline. Daughter Sarah also wanted to fly, but dad forbade it. She put her intelligence and energy into other interests. 

She followed him into ranching and horses. She also went to Texas A&M and earned a degree in veterinary medicine. 


 “Dad wanted me to become an equine vet," she said. "That wasn't for me. My interest was small animals."


 She opened a vet practice in an upscale Dallas neighborhood. It flourished, eventually expanding to 24-hour service. 


 Now 60, she retired last month after fulfilling her three-year obligation to the company that acquired her practice. 


  "I still drop by to pick up and drop off stuff," she said. "But, basically, I'm finished there."


  She entrusts her ranch west of Fort Worth to Blake Gray. Her horses are in the hands of Estaban Rubio. 


    He's listed among Sam Houston Race Park's leading trainers for the current Quarter Horse meet. Huskey is near the top of leading owners. Retirement has freed her to watch her horses run at Texas and Oklahoma tracks.


   What else lies ahead? Like her dad, there will be something, and it's sure to be interesting, and not something that requires an easy chair. 


"They say the 40s are go-go years," she said. "The 50s are slow-go years. The 60s are no-go years. We'll have to see about that."

